Advertising mockups are one of our services in the field of advertising. Preparation of advertising mockups in the workshop of the Ojan Advertising Center for the 22nd International Exhibition of Sweets and Chocolates soon…
why U.S?
Ojan company, a dynamic and innovative organization, is based on modern knowledge and technology in the field of providing new ideas in the field of marketing, advertising and branding.
This collection was established in 2012 with the aim of creating new methods in the field of marketing and advertising, through the efforts of Reza Mikayelzadeh, and until today, by using the skills and experiences of its expert and experienced staff, it has been able to establish a professional platform in the field of Creation of central ideas, advertising models, organizational identity design, branding, as well as production and presentation of various advertising media.
The innovation of Ojan collection in using different arts such as theater, sculpture and music in the field of advertising as a unique experience has made possible the integration of economy and art.
Specialized departments and some services provided by Eugene Graphic Center
think tank department (advertising consultancy)
Department of design and graphics
Production department (film, photo, sound for audio, visual and television media)
Filmmaking studios, advertising photography (decorative and industrial)
Environmental media – advertising at the point of sale and advertising theater
Department of advertising campaigns (consultation, design, implementation and monitoring)
Department of virtual space and digital marketing
Department of International Overseas Events and Exhibitions
Urban environmental advertising will have the greatest effect on the sale of services and products. Advertising replicas according to the psychological mind behind it
It can have the greatest impact on the customer’s mind. The bigger the advertising mockups are and the more creative the idea implemented in it is, the more impact it will have on the customer’s mind, and the designs used will somehow create mental imagery.
At ojan Art Nomad company, we have made advertising replicas and large volumes in our workshop. Their examples are cooperation with big companies such as Pak, Kopa, Rojin, Jumaneh, etc.
In general, advertising mockups will play a significant role in the mental imagery of the audience.