Having a fresh and creative idea will not guarantee the achievement of a lasting, successful and desirable advertising effect. The seed of pure and creative ideas will be born when it rests in a safe bed of graphic art skills. In today’s image-filled and colorful world, it is only by creating the right and attractive visual communication that pristine ideas remain beautiful and lasting in the eyes and memory of the audience.

The artists of ojan graphic studio are determined to cover creative ideas with elegant, unique and beautiful clothing that is worthy of the attention of the audience of the current era.

Design and graphic studio department services

  • Brand visual identity design
  • Organizational color design, organizational font, advertising sign (logo) and written sign (logotype)
  • Designing office paper packs
  • Designing environmental advertising billboards and advertising posters
  • Packaging, cover and product label design
  • Designing replicas, models and statues
  • Graphic design of Internet pages, websites and virtual networks
  • Designing organizational and promotional magazines
  • Designing promotional gift packages, calendars and promotional due dates

  • Production and construction of motion…