Years of experience in the advertising industry

why US

Ojen Graphic advertising center, a dynamic and innovative organization, in the field of presenting new ideas in the field of marketing, advertising and branding, is based on the knowledge and technology of the world. The creation of new methods in the field of marketing and advertising was established by the efforts of Reza Mikayelzadeh and until today it has been able to create a professional platform in the field of idea creation by using the skills and experiences of its expert and experienced forces.to offer the central features, organizational identity design, branding as well as the production and presentation of various advertising media.

The innovation of Ogen Graphic Collection in using various arts such as theater, sculpture and music in the field of advertising as an experience. Uniquely, it has enabled the integration of economy and art.

Specialized departments and some services provided by Eugene Graphic Center: /p>

  • Department of think room (major advertising consultancy)
  • Department of design and graphics
  • Department of production (film, photo, sound for audio, video and media) TV)
  • Filmmaking studios, advertising photography (decorative and industrial)
  • Environmental media - advertising at the point of sale and theaterAdvertising
  • Department of advertising campaigns (consultation, design, execution and monitoring)
  • Department of virtual space and digital marketing
  • Department of international events and exhibitions

and ...

Department of virtual space and digital marketing

It can be boldly said that in the current era and the coming years, with the rapid advancement of technologies, the virtual world is not far from becoming the real world, and in the next few years, there may be a recognizable boundary between the virtual and the real world. It did not remain for the audience. In the age of communication and the extent of the digital space, even every smartphone, like dozens of digital media (including dozens of networkssocial media, Internet TV and virtual media), has become an infinite advertising platform, accompanying and accompanying the audience at every moment. On the other hand, the economic efficiency of advertising in the virtual space and the ability to communicate between these spaces, as well as the possibility of monitoring, evaluating and monitoring the feedback of advertising in the virtual space, has increased the importance and attractiveness of this space for employers and providers of advertising services. to be Taking into account the countless opportunities of this attractive platform, and benefiting from creative, dynamic and innovative specialized teams in the field of digital marketing, Ogen Graphic Group tries to make the most of the possibilities by adopting a comprehensive strategy suitable for this platform. To provide great and affordable for brands.

Eugene Graphic studio and think room

Innovative thinking and creative thinking, relying on accurate sociology and psychology of the society and a glance at the effective experiences of the past, will be the best way to step in the direction of providing new and constructive solutions in the field of advertising and branding. The ideation of Eugene Graphic Center aims to leave a lasting and enjoyable memory in the minds of the audience by creating and proposing fresh and new ideas. A sweet, meaningful and expressive memory in a suitable media platform and suitable for the society of the audience and the requirements of the time.

Design and graphic studio department

Having a fresh and creative idea will not guarantee the achievement of a lasting, successful and desirable advertising effect. The seed of pure and creative ideas will be born when it rests in a safe bed of graphic art skills. In today's colorful and image-filled world, it is only by creating a correct and attractive visual communication that pristine ideas remain beautiful and lasting in the eyes and memory of the audience. Cover the creative ideas that are worthy of the attention of the audience of the present time.

Production department (film, photo, sound for audio, visual and television media)

Today, the irreplaceable role of audio-visual media such as television, satellite channels, home television network, virtual space, etc., reminds us more than ever of the necessity and importance of presenting attractive advertising ideas. Utilizing the power and skill of expert forces, along with modern facilities and technologies, can turn any attractive idea into an impressive and lasting work. With the benefit of artistic and experienced experts, as well as equipped imaging and photography studios as well as advanced cameras, Ogen Graphic Group will accompany you in the preparation of your promotional film or photo.

Events and Exhibitions Department Services

Providing advice regarding the introduction of the most prestigious exhibitions in the target market area

  • Registering companies in the selected exhibitions and choosing the best location of the booth and the most favorable environment in the exhibition space. Based on the considered budget
  • Creative design of the booth based on the needs of the collection and its intelligent combination with architectural art to achieve a practical and attractive design far from spending unnecessary expenses
  • Choosing the best booth local builders and monitoring the contract process, construction and implementation of the booth until achieving a satisfactory result and reducing construction costs
  • Equipping the booth with the best possible requirements
  • Providing advice regarding logistics services, Finance, tourism, accommodation and...

Department of advertising campaigns (consultation, design, implementation and monitoring)

Every day and around us, a sea of ​​advertising messages, with different purposes, is formed, which we knowingly or unknowingly float in and are influenced by its contents and messages. The integrity and concentration of a brand in expressing a specific message, in a specific period of time, with different media and advertising media, these days is a common method of attracting the audience and increasing their awareness, which is called an advertising campaign. A basic advertising campaign,It is a set of multifaceted but integrated advertising activities based on the brand's identity and knowledge, in which the target message of the campaign is specified, the target audience is correctly determined, the appropriate media are carefully selected to present the message, and with careful planning, Try to send the right message to the right audience in the right period of time, with the right budget, and encourage more audiences to get closer to the campaign owner. is based on a detailed understanding of the current situation and analysis of the brand's position, to suggest the message that fits the desired goals of the brand in the context of suitable advertising media, and by designing and monitoring the correct implementation of the campaign, he will accompany you to achieve the best possible result, which is the understanding of the brand message by the audience and attracting his opinion.

Production department (film, photo, sound for audio, visual and television media)

Today, the irreplaceable role of audio-visual media such as television, satellite channels, home television network, virtual space, etc., reminds us more than ever of the necessity and importance of presenting attractive advertising ideas. Utilizing the power and skill of expert forces, along with modern facilities and technologies, can turn any attractive idea into an impressive and lasting work. With the benefit of artistic and experienced experts, as well as equipped imaging and photography studios as well as advanced cameras, Ogen Graphic Group will accompany you in the preparation of your promotional film or photo.

Department of International Overseas Events and Exhibitions

Department of International Overseas Events and Exhibitions

Given the growing importance of the export category at the present time and the efforts of the country's domestic manufacturing companies to reach new international markets. or to stabilize their position in previous markets, the importance of attending international exhibitions and events as the most important means of introducing their production sets and products to prominent distributors has become inevitable.

On this basis, Ogengraphic Group proudly introduces its International Exhibitions and Events Unit as a new and dynamic unit, in order to provide this service to all the manufacturing industries of the country.

تیم ما

رضا میکائیل زاده
رضا میکائیل زاده مدیر عامل